creative services

Working with musicians and artists alike to create eye catching album covers and clothing.  We have several packages which are custom tailored for each and every project.  

BASIC - As a service to our duplication clients we offer basic layout and design free of charge.  This is for projects where you already have a photo or cover art design and require a basic layout with fonts and text.  We will gladly take your images and content and lay them out in a way that works best with our packaging.

CUSTOM LAYOUT & DESIGN  - Some projects will require a more in depth layout and design work which may include a simple logo, image or more in depth text layout for a booklet style insert.  Prices vary based on requirements and we work with our artists to ensure that we present a quality end product in the most cost and time effective way possible.  

CUSTOM ARTWORK - If you are looking for something more, like a custom logo, artwork or graphic image for album covers or t-shirt design we have plenty of experience helping musicians bring together a cohesive product.  You will be working with visual artist Deni Gauthier to create an original piece of artwork that will enhance your product. There are options for hand drawn, painted, and digital images where you may have the rights to the original artwork for future projects.  

Please take a moment to view a sample of Deni's custom artwork below.